Friday, July 3, 2009

007.) Little Dogs with Big Egos

(Purestock photograph, photographer unknown)

There is an older gentleman who comes by on a regular basis, parks his car in the shoulder of the drive and lets loose his half dozen dogs. These dogs are not so much canines as rounded balls of yipping fuzz with stuby legs. They hop about like toy sheep, the dogs, and proceed to deficate on the lawn. No baggies are pulled from stuffed pockets and no metal scoops are utilized - just the little dogs running wild, yipping, while the man stands by the open car door.

He then calls to his dogs, most quickly scampering to the vehicle - most. There's always one, a tiny brown minute of a thing, that never comes when demanded. The man is thus forced to go collect this one precocious mutt. Inevitably, sometime between the man leaving the car and him gathering the one brown dog in a sea of white, those white dogs scamper out of the car through the open door.

It's a lesson in futility being played out right before me, and yet still the man hasn't learned to shut the car door before chasing after Little Caramel.

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